Investigation of Si-based anodes for Li-ion batteries using X-rays and Neutron 3D/4D imaging techniques

Investigation of silicon-based anodes for Li-ion batteries using X-rays and Neutron 3D/4D imaging techniques

High capacitive active materials such as silicon-graphite blends are developed to increase the energy density of lithium-ion batteries. Blends partially mitigate the huge volume expansion of silicon, but physical ageing of the electrode still limits the long-term performance. In this project, we propose to combine 3D/4D neutron imaging at D50/NeXT and X-ray scattering tomography at ID31 to quantify the structural, morphological, chemical/dynamical evolution of the blended anodes during cycling. The aim is to quantify the lithium concentration/repartition within the (aged) batteries and the spatial distribution of microstructural features. Both industrial coin cells and custom model cells will be measured.

X-rays attenuation tomograms taken at D50 simultaneously to the neutron ones will be complemented by lab–XCT data. Synchrotron scattering tomography will add information on local particle sizes and lithiated phases. Advanced computational analysis tools e.g. based on machine learning or artificial intelligence will be developed to reconstruct 3D images and extract meaningful physical parameters. The combined and correlated analysis of X-rays and neutron data sets is uniquely suited to fully characterize the Si-Gr anodes and gain in-depth understanding of the ageing phenomena, providing valuable insights for the industrial partner to optimize future silicon-based batteries.



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Erik Lubke is working on the investigation of Si-based anodes for Li-ion batteries using X-rays and Neutron 3D/4D imaging techniques project. This project will see collaboration between the ILL, ESRF, Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH, CEA and Varta Micro Innovation GmbH.