First round applications start with a bang!

Applications for the first 20 PhD positions are closed.

The InnovaXN COFUND programme is delighted to have received more than 1,200 applications for the first 20 PhD positions available. Indeed, this is a great response to our first call. All applications are now being studied with short listed candidates to be interviewed in May and successful applicants expected to start in September.

For additional information, do not hesitate to visit our website

In addition, find out more about the available projects here.

This programme, supported by an H2020 MSCA COFUND Programme, will allow a total of 40 PhD students to study a wide variety of subjects driven by industrial challenges. Indeed, these projects will be focused on exploiting the advanced characterisation techniques of the large-scale European facilities in Grenoble, the ESRF and ILL.

The programme is co-directed by Dr Jean Susini (Director of Research, ESRF) and Prof Mark Johnson (Science Director, ILL).

For more information, contact the Business and Industry teams at ESRF and ILL.

Dr Edward Mitchell + 33 476 882 664 or Dr Caroline Boudou + 33 476 207 209.
