Information meeting for InnovaXN local supervisors of round two

Local supervisors meet up for the second round of projects.


Indeed, on Friday, October 30, the management team brought together the local supervisors of the second InnovaXN project round. The aim was to inform them of the recruitment process that will be implemented for the selection of students. The call for applications will be launched on 1 February 2021.

Moreover, the management team stressed the importance of the supervisors’ networks, in addition to the job boards, in order to find the best candidates within the framework of the MSCA rules.
Also presented, was the Personal Career Development Plan (PCDP), a document enabling supervisors to monitor the progress of the ESR throughout the three years of their PhD.



The programme is co-directed by Dr Jean Susini (Director of Research, ESRF) and Prof Mark Johnson (Science Director, ILL).

For more information, contact the Business and Industry team:
